Hi, this is Naman.
Generalist & Blockchain Practitioner
Hola! My name's Naman & I work as a Blockchain Engineer @ https://www.pillow.fund/. I know this could have been a hyperlink but I'm just kinda lazy.
I also hangout with homies @ https://buildspace.so/. We build projects, discuss and learn from each other - pretty cool stuff. If you don't know about it, make sure to check it out.
During the time when I'm not working which is most of the time, I write a little something something. That might not be a correct sentence but wtf, consider it a sort of a poetic license.
Here are some of the poems I wrote -To my astonishment, I even wrote a song, check it out here if you have some time - Spotify
Most probably you don't wanna reach out, but in case you do, shoot me a text on Twitter or drop a mail @ naman.mohan09@outlook.com.
Kaggle LinkedIn Github Twitter Resume Data Science Blog
Telegram: @namanfrompillow
Discord: Naman Manchanda#8016
*my resume might be outdated. Ehh, will fix it sometime.